This past week has been very eventful in the professional DotA community, with the public shaming of KANGA, a 14 year-old DotA player who was accused of maphacking in the DotA World Cup. KANGA's parents were contacted and the last thing they said to him was, "Go to your room." It is unlikely that KANGA will play DotA professionally ever again, after several of his fans expressed their distress in a forum post that his DotA career was ruined.
Based on inconclusive evidence, the most popular DotA forum banned KANGA from accessing any part of the site, including the new page titled "KANGA IS A ***** ******* **** ** ** * *****". The replay supplied as evidence was a game of Pokemon Adventure v4.55.w3x in which a player with the screenname KOGA was accused of maphacking by a player named Computer(Pro). After being refused any plea for a second chance, KANGA's team manager contacted their lawyer. No legal development has been reported as of yet.
Reactions of ordinary DotA players have been mixed, with some wishing it wasn't true, to those who have openly made claims they planted the maphacking program on KANGA's tournament computer beforehand. According to official DotA tournament rules, maphacking is an unofficial offense and is only considered a legal strategy in Soviet Russia. The administrators of the event did not show any mercy and were forced to enforce the punishments written in the ancient DotA scriptures. KANGA's severed hand will be auctioned off on as compensation to Romania for the disgrace he caused his home nation.
KANGA's girlfriend stayed by his side and denied allegations on his behalf on the DotA forum, but has received no form of reply other than "A/S/L?" from the community. When approached for an interview, KANGA's family refused to make any comment by saying, "No comment." The offence was not taken lightly by the Romanian Government, and KANGA may be charged with treason if he deliberately maphacked to taint his country's image. A spokesperson from the Romanian Conservative Party has issued a public statement saying that if they are voted into power at the next election, KANGA will be charged with treason regardless of circumstance. In response, many of's forumgoers have already cast their votes in support for the party's policy.
**EDIT: We would just like to clarify that our suggestion of KANGA having a girlfriend was completely absurd and has been hence disproven. It turned out that KANGA was simply posing as his imaginary girlfriend to regain what little shred of credibility he had to begin with.
Based on inconclusive evidence, the most popular DotA forum banned KANGA from accessing any part of the site, including the new page titled "KANGA IS A ***** ******* **** ** ** * *****". The replay supplied as evidence was a game of Pokemon Adventure v4.55.w3x in which a player with the screenname KOGA was accused of maphacking by a player named Computer(Pro). After being refused any plea for a second chance, KANGA's team manager contacted their lawyer. No legal development has been reported as of yet.
Reactions of ordinary DotA players have been mixed, with some wishing it wasn't true, to those who have openly made claims they planted the maphacking program on KANGA's tournament computer beforehand. According to official DotA tournament rules, maphacking is an unofficial offense and is only considered a legal strategy in Soviet Russia. The administrators of the event did not show any mercy and were forced to enforce the punishments written in the ancient DotA scriptures. KANGA's severed hand will be auctioned off on as compensation to Romania for the disgrace he caused his home nation.
KANGA's girlfriend stayed by his side and denied allegations on his behalf on the DotA forum, but has received no form of reply other than "A/S/L?" from the community. When approached for an interview, KANGA's family refused to make any comment by saying, "No comment." The offence was not taken lightly by the Romanian Government, and KANGA may be charged with treason if he deliberately maphacked to taint his country's image. A spokesperson from the Romanian Conservative Party has issued a public statement saying that if they are voted into power at the next election, KANGA will be charged with treason regardless of circumstance. In response, many of's forumgoers have already cast their votes in support for the party's policy.
**EDIT: We would just like to clarify that our suggestion of KANGA having a girlfriend was completely absurd and has been hence disproven. It turned out that KANGA was simply posing as his imaginary girlfriend to regain what little shred of credibility he had to begin with.
DOTA Maphacker Exiled from Community
Reviewed by Gary Lo